Thursday, February 21, 2013

NACE awards Mary Lin Lym and Cindy Shi book scholarships

NACE International announced the winners of the Book Scholarships for 2013: Mary Lyn Lim and Cindy
Shi. Only two awards were given out, and CESE students won both of them. Each will receive scholarships for $1,000 from the NACE foundation at the Corrosion 13' conference in 2013 in Orlando this March.  The NACE Foundation Book Scholarship:

"The NACE Foundation provides Book Scholarships to assist graduate students in the development of their corrosion libraries. This scholarship is given in the form of a credit to be used on-line in the NACE Bookstore"
Cindy Shi
Mary Lyn Lim giving a demonstration at 2012 Nanodays